Interview Process
IOCL interview process consist of DV(Document Varification)and PI(Personal Interview). And weightage is divided as -
GATE Marks - 0%
BARC Exam - 0%
PI(Personal Interview) - 100%
Interview process will begain with all candidate seating in a room. And they will be called one by one for their document varification. And after your DV they will directly send you to the interview room. Interview can go for 45min - 2hrs and avg time for interview is 1 hr.
Interview experience of candidate 1
Year - 2022, Center-mumbai,Gate Rank range - 25-30 , education - btech and mtech completed , time - 55 mins, result - not selected
Personal Interview
(1) Tell me about youself.
(2) How dendrites are formed ?
(3) What is constitutional undercooling ?
(4) Types of dendrite ?
(5) what are the topic did you read in thermodynamics ?
(6) What is 3rd law ?
(7) Draw S vs T curve ?
(8) Explain S vs T curve. Why it is in S shape..?
(9) Lets assume a square block and applying a 200 MPa on x as well as on y direction. And the yield strength is 200MPa. Will it fail.?
(10) What is tresca and von mises criteria ?
(11) Do you know creep.. ? What is it ..?
(12) expain the creep curve ..?
(13) Draw creep curve if we rase the temperature
(14) What are the parameters on which creep depends ?
(15) What will heppend (on creep behaviour) if we change the grain size ?
(16) Draw SS curve and explain..
(17) Draw SS curve for fine grain and coarse grain.
(18) Difference between galvanic series anf electrochemical series..
(19) What is Std. electrode potential and how do we measure it..?
(20) write any galvanic cell reaction and write the equations for half cell reaction.
These are the only 50-60% questions which are remembered by the candidate. Many question were very basic and asked during answering a question.