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NALCO Interview Questions and Answer Metallurgy

Interview Process

NALCO interview process consist of DV(Document Varification) and PI(Personal Interview). And weightage is divided as -
  GATE Marks - 90%
  PI(Personal Interview) - 10%

The interview process will start by doing document varification first. And after DV they will call you one one by for your PI.

Interview experience of candidate 1

Year - 2020, Total Vacancy- 13, Center-NALCO HRD center of excellence, Bhubaneswar,Gate Rank range - 45-50, education - btech and currently working as GET , time - - mins, result - not selected, Source- quora

Personal Interview
(1) Questions from B.Tech. Project and Internships.
(2) Current Job details.
(3) what are your favorite subjects ( he told them but they asked questions from other topics also)
(4) What is joining of Metals ?
(5) What is Thermite welding and its advantages ?
(6) What are the defects in Rolling ?
(7) Why did the Titanic ship sank ?
(8) Microstructure difference between Fracture vs Fatigue failure ? (9) Draw Iron Carbon Diagram

(1) Introduce yourself
(2) WWhy do you want to join NALCO ?
(3) What are the other PSU companies you have applied for.. ? (4) WWhat companies do you think are at par with NALCO?
(5) candidate mentioned in bio data that he volunteered for CRY( which is an NGO) so they asked to him that when it was founded and the name of it's Founder.

Interview experience of candidate 2

Year - 20, Center-Chennai, Gate Rank range - 30-35, education - , time - 20mins

Personal Interview
(3) br> (4)
