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Extractive Metallurgy

Mineral Processing: Comminution techniques, Size classification, Flotation, Gravity and other methods of mineral beneficiation; Agglomeration: sintering, pelletizing and briquetting. Material and Energy balances in metallurgical processes, pyro-, hydro-, and electro-metallurgical processes

extraction of non-ferrous metals: Principles and processes for the extraction of non-ferrous metals –
Aluminium (Al)

  1.   Introduction | Extraction of Aluminium
  2.   Bayer Process | Leaching of bauxite
  3.   Hall - Heroult Process| electrolysis of alumina

copper and titanium

Iron and steel making : Material and heat balance in blast furnace; Structure and properties of slags and molten salts – basicity of slags - sulphide and phosphate capacity of slags; Production of metallurgical coke.

Primary steel making: Basic oxygen furnace, process dynamics, oxidation reactions, electric arc furnace.

Secondary steel making: Ladle process – deoxidation, argon stirring, desulphurization, inclusion shape control, principles of degassing methods; Basics of stainless steel manufacturing.

Continuous Casting: Fluid flow in the tundish and mould, heat transfer in the mould, segregation, inclusion control.

Stainless steel making: Stainless steel making, furnaces and refractories