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Metallurgical Thermodynamics

Laws of thermodynamics:

  1. Introduction
  2. First law – energy conservation
  3. Second law - entropy
  4.   Third Law, Gibbs and Helmholtz free energy,Maxwell’s relations
  5.   Clausius - Clapeyron Equation, Volume Expensivity and Isothermal compressibility

Thermodynamics of Solution :

  1.   Chemical Potential and its Application
, solutions, ideal and regular solutions; Gibbs phase rule, phase equilibria, binary phase diagram and lever rule, free-energy vs. composition diagrams; Equilibrium constant, Activity, Ellingham and phase stability diagrams; Thermodynamics of point defects, surfaces and interfaces, adsorption and segregation phenomena.

  1.   Introduction to electrochemistry
  2.   Single electrode potential
  3.   Nernst equation
  4.   Potential-pH diagrams

Momentum transfer: Concept of viscosity, shell balances, Bernoulli’s equation, mechanical energy balance equation, flow past plane surfaces and through pipes.

Heat transfer: Conduction, Fourier’s Law, 1-D steady state conduction. Convection: Heat transfer coefficient relations for forced convection.

Radiation: Black body radiation, Stefan-Boltzman Law, Kirchhoff’s Law. Mass transfer: Diffusion and Fick’s laws, Mass transfer coefficients.

Dimensional analysis: Buckingham Pi theorem, Significance of dimensionless numbers.

Basic laws of chemical kinetics: First order reactions, reaction rate constant, Arrhenius relation,heterogeneous reactions, oxidation kinetics , polarization.